
The process of mathematics curriculum development in HES relies heavily on current research trends and classroom needs of children. It not only takes care of the curriculum guidelines by NCERT, but also takes the standards suggested by NCERT to a next level by incorporating insights from curriculum frameworks of countries leading in educational reform.

What makes the curriculum standout is its strong focus on Mathematization and children’s temperament towards mathematics. Mathematization helps children to see things and events around them mathematically. To see things mathematically means to seek patterns and model a situation in a mathematical form using notations, logic and reasoning. This process takes the importance of mathematics from mere solving day to day problems to a transformation in the very thinking which becomes more logical and reasoning based.

The process is manifested in classrooms through practices where we build on children’s previous knowledge, encourage them to reason out and structure their articulation, practice for procedural fluency and work on representation and problem solving. As a result, children start to perceive mathematics as useful, interesting and worthwhile, having a positive belief in their own ability to think mathematically.